Designed for laypersons, the Education for Ministry (EFM)
program provides a theological education that supports our faith and helps us
express that faith in day-to-day living. In group sessions, participants study the entire sweep of the Christian
tradition from the earliest days to the present.
The nucleus of the EFM program is the seminar group,
consisting of 6 – 12 participants and a trained mentor. The group meets weekly over the course of a
nine-month academic year, usually beginning in September each year. Participants are given weekly assignments to
study with the help of resource guides. Group
members spend between two and four hours in study and preparation each
week. In the seminars, they share
insights and discoveries as well as discussing questions raised by study
EFM is a program of and for the laity. It provides the theological foundation for
the ministry to which we each are called. Anyone interested in exploring EFM may contact the St. Andrew’s office
at 918-786-4113, for further information.