God Sees

God Sees

Author: The Rev. Dr. David Bridges, Priest
March 21, 2022

 At Exodus 3:1-15, God says, “I have seen the misery of my people … I have heard their cry … I have seen their sufferings, and I have come down to deliver them …”

As we see the situation in Ukraine many of us are asking, “Why isn’t someone doing something? Why are we letting tyranny and cruelty happen in plain sight? Where is God in this?!”

There are no easy answers. I think the rest of the world is afraid to do much for fear of a nuclear war. But, what is God doing? God sees and hears everything! God is ready to accept the souls of the innocent victims, and welcome them to the heavenly home where there is no pain, no suffering, no war, and no death.

The ones who are really suffering are the living, left behind to deal with the horror and destruction of an unwarranted, unprovoked invasion directed by a ruthless, Satan-driven madman. It can only be the darkness and depravity of the devil that lives in the heart of Putin.

Where is God? God sees and God hears. “Vengeance is mine, and recompense … their doom comes swiftly.” (Deut. 32:35) “… leave room for the wrath of God … vengeance is mine, says the Lord.” (Romans 12:19-20)

It doesn’t seem fair that we, as a society, cannot take the steps to end the reign of a demon-possessed, mentally deranged dictator while innocent people are being killed by conscienceless robot soldiers willing to take the lives of children in an invasion that violates all Godly and natural laws.

God sees. God hears. God will have the last word. We recite the Nicene Creed at our major worship services on Sundays and other occasions. In that, we recite the words, “We believe Christ will come again in power and great glory to judge the living and the dead.”

If Mr. Putin has never heard those words, he will one day. And on that day, all of the suffering he has caused will come back to him. God sees. God hears. God will bring perfect justice.

 As for most of us, all we can do is stand-by and pray. Pray that the suffering in Ukraine will end. Pray that the Russian soldiers will completely lose heart for the fight and lay down their weapons. Pray that the leaders of Russia will resist Mr. Putin and stop their devilish attacks. Pray for the safety of the world. Pray for one another.

Love God, love your neighbor, love yourself. Keep your eyes focused on the Kingdom of God. Hold-on to what is good and right and virtuous and holy, and on the last day, we will all see God. On that day I pray you will be able to say, “Yes, come Lord Jesus!”, not, “Oh no, not yet!”

Blessings and Peace to You All,
Fr. David+


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